Thursday, March 17, 2011

Whole 30 / Day 17

Stuffed acorn squash
Breakfast: coconut milk coffee
Lunch: Sausage stuffed acorn squash. We started with the pork sausage recipe here. These are the modifications we made to the recipe:

Pork Breakfast Sausage
1 lb ground pork
1 T onion flakes
1/4 tsp each cumin, black pepper, oregano
1/2 tsp each dried basil, thyme, and sage
1/2 tsp salt

It was very, very, very good. I actually stopped by the store after work to specifically pick up more ground pork so that I could have sausage for breakfast in the morning.

Well, with it being St Patrick's day and all, I've had part of a brisket brining for several days just so I could have corned beef today. No potatoes, though <sigh>. I started it in the crock-pot last night on low and left it there all day while I was at work. After I got home, I put it in a baking dish and put it in the oven to brown it up. We're having it with some sauerkraut, mixed veggies, green beans, and leftover sweet potatoes. 

I was trolling through some old posts on Weight Maven, when I saw this old post. OMG, I almost peed myself when I watched this. 

Another site, that I'm enjoying right now is The Perfect Health Diet. This is an interesting take on the paleo/traditional foods diet. One of the things that has really caught my attention was this post. After I  went low carb - then no carb, initially I felt great, but slowly started suffering from severely dry skin. After a few years, my eyes and throat among other body parts became more and more affected. I just figured that I had a  worsening thyroid problem, but now I'm wondering if I'd just keep my carbs too low for too long. Over the last couple of days, I've been implementing at least the portion of his recommendations on getting around 400 calories of just starchy carbs a day. My skin is still dry, but my eyes have gotten better. My throat is goes back and forth still. I have noticed that it's easier to cut my meat portion down when there is a starchy carb with the meal. I will be continuing with this experiment to see how I feel.

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